Civilization ke 'SEWEL'ization???

WARNING : Aku probably akan membebel TAHAP CIPAN,GABAN  or semua yang layak diBANkan dalam entri ni kejap lagi.BERJELA oke.Dats dah SURE.So kalo rasa2 tamo telinga korang bernanah,or tak nak tambahkan 'berat','beban' kat bahu 'kiri' korang,...baikla blah sekang.Or kalo degil gak,nak stay whatsoever consiquences later on jangan salahkan aku eh....*cehhhh*

YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.So here it goes..

Al-kisahnya..petang semalam kat office aku ni,depa duk buat 2011 Business Plan Kick-Offnyer briefing.Ala2 nak share ngan staff what is the corporation direction or target for next year as well as nak kasik 3years business plan punyer road map viewla to all the staff..Sounds bosan?Lame?Yeah kinda...but then it's like tradition and annual event for my company.So layankan saja.Actually everymonth pun ada monthly gathering,almost similiarla.Just this particular one involving the higher level.Management yang akan brief all the staff.To be exact our MD.Get the idea..already?Kalo seselalu time monthly gathering it will only takes about half an hour time,so seselalu tu jugakla aku tak duduk.Aku prefer lagi berdiri ngan  geng2 Corporate Comm. n help menyibuk ape yang patut.Kater ringan sangat tulang kan???But because this event happened for almost 3 hours,nak tanak kenala aku duduk...

So fine.Aku pilih seat yang quite ke depan 4rows from the stage.I duduk ngan Sandra Bullock kat group of perempuan and semunya (kott) berhijab except for us(kott).The first presentation was done by MD...and here is when ALL the 'highlight' of story started.Ok,bare with me and imagine this...Our MD tenga beriya bercerita,buat presentation kat depan.Bersungguh2 neh and guessed what happened?Bunch of "acik KOTERS yang tak sekolah kott (sorry to say U ARE!!) bole start bersembang and their VOICE was so LOUD even our MD pun turned to our side few times,distracted by the VOICES i guessed.Malu oke.I was in the same group!Belakang aku pulak tu!Ishhhhhh MEMALUKAN!Aku seriously dah bengang!Few times masa suara2 sumbang tu duk rancak bersembang tu aku paling kat diaorang.To be exact,I gave them A FACE,A LOOK,or what ever you wanna called itlah(read: EH,korang boleh DIAM tak?????)Nak tau apajadi after that?NOTHING!I was like.....hello macik nak sembang balik rumah...bole??Takda perasaan oke.SERIOUSLY.Continue lagi ada!Aku memang berasap.GILA2 punya.But NO,they just IGNORED and continued chit-chatting like nobody business walhal,Dato kott yang tenga kasik briefing tu....Kalo nak cakap pun,agak2la.Reti WHISPER least??Eeeei.Dalam hati,aku dah maki2,hamun,segalala yang tak patot!...."Wei,korang ni datang dari kampung mana...ha???" BUDUS!

Dah tak tahan punya pasal,aku ajak Sandra switched place ke row depan.Still.Sama.Makin KUAT lagi ada.Aku switched lagi tempat.And now i was like in the 2nd row bole?Makin GALAK lagi depa bersembang oke!During this period Dato (our MD) da jeling morethan 3times kott...(i lost count dahh,sebab MARAH giler!)Aku MALU wei duduk sary group yang aku rasa orang kampung pun lebih civilize when it comes to OFFICIAL event like this.Nak2 yang tengah duk bercakap tu DATO!BIG BOSS oke!Korang ni dah kenapa???JEJAK KASIH ka??Dah doploh tahun tak jumpa??Tu yang jadik SANGAP sangat nak bersembang pumpangpumpang beriya macam TAKDA esok????Issshhh sorila KEPANTANGAN aku tau!Spesies makhluk yang tak bole bawak majlis langsung!Korang bole imagine tak?Aku dah siap cakap SHUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...suruh lower down the voice and their response...............?NOTHING!NOTHING at ALL!!!!!Omaigod!Malunya aku ditakdirkan duduk satu grup ngan korang.KeMALUan ok.N m pretty sure SEMUA tu dah kawin,dah beranak pinak pun.N YET u acting like........................Ohhh i lost word!

This group of acik koters continued bersembang tak hengat dunia,tak ingat apepun.Dengan penuh rasa TAK bersalah summore!Untill one of our lady AGM punya turn.Nak tau apa jadik before she start her presentation?Jengjengjeng.....This AGM amek mic and .............."I noticed that side punya group talked alot.Please eh,pay attention as this is important.After this siapa lagi bercakap,I CUT their SALARY!Hameeeeeeeeeeeeeeek ngko!SERVED THEM RIGHT!!Senyap,sunyi,sepi macam malaikat lalu ngko lepas tu!Puas ati aku!Bongok tau.Memalukan most importantly.Dah tua2 bangka,mak2 orang pulak tu!Buat pulak perangai macam tu!Ishhhhhhhhhhhhhh.BURUK oke BUROK!

Dalam masa2 kejadian ni boleh pulak aku terpandang satu pompuan ni.She is one of the HOD(Head of Department)in so called criticall(LAH) sangat department.Sitting in the VIP seat just one row behind MD and boss aku.Nak tau "si gerbang khalayan"(nama manja yang aku bagi kat dia *MUNTAHHHH*)ni buat apa.......................TIDO!Like tidur,tidur.Tadek ayam2 punya.Ishhhh lagila satu MEMALUKAN!Lady,if you dont have any shame on others,please at least spare your shame at least to urself.....please!Tula orang cakap,orang pandai pun banyakk ja bodoh dia!Kononnya sesemua ni makhluk yang CIVILIZED(LAH) sangat!More to SEWELIZED ja aku tengok!Ishhhh sesak napas mak nengok korang!More too KEPARAT than KORPORAT sungguh!


  1. hahhahahhahahah aku nak gelak dulu (rasa nak guling2 jerrr...) mmg acik koters x der hadab .... hurmmmm sabar ye nok ... nnt ada masa g layan CB .. patut arr lamer nak tggu entri baru kuar ..rupenyer berasap nyerrr entri akakakkakakakakkakak... :P

  2. hahaha.. ade gak cm2.. tp pelik nape dorg cam xphm bahasa? patut fhmlaa bielr dh org sound..


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