PENTING?Tak penting?PENTING?Tak penting?Arrrrrgh...kesah sangat!

Ramai yang cakap..wanita (eceh,guna ayat baku jap bole?Oke geli tuka!) opps pompuan zaman sekarangni (ker memang dah berkurun???) memangla tak bleh berpisah dengan benda alah yang satu ni!






Jom tengok.
Apekebendernya definisi MAKE-UP ni in REAL mau?

MAKE-UP can be defined as subset of cosmetics which refers primarily to colored products intended to alter the user’s appearance.(sumber : sini) ITlah.Whether it is lipstick ka,bedak ka,foundation ka.Bottomline semuanya consider MAKE-UP.So what say you.....Is it TRUE that pompuan TAKLEH berpisah ngan MAKE-UP???




Kalo nak cerita dari observation aku la kan,its kinda TRUE actually.Most probably,sebab aku dah TER'jebak' dalam dunia 'keparat' (read: corporate) benda2 neh is like a MUST.Make-up adelah PERLU dalam dunia pekerjaan AKU.M talking solely on my JOB.No prejudice here.Siap dapat allowance hokeh.So...tak reti2 lagi???

Personally,kalau tang batang idung aku sendirikla...aku memang tak suka nak make-up2 neh.SERIUS!Aku suka yang bare-naked!Meaning on FACE oke.*janganla BLUE norr paler otak tu geng!*Pada aku,BESIDES than kene make-up quite heavy masa pegi keje,mosturizer,bedak tipis,n calit sikit lipstick da setel!*adeh,ni bukan KIRA make-up jugak ka??Oke light one.'Halal'LAH!* CUKUP.MEMADAI bila aku di luar kawasan TUGAS!Yerla.Idokla nanti muke aku macam orang sakit ke,'pecah umah' ker,sakit,pucat or dikata macam pompuan baru bangun tido!Ishhhh kasik semenggah sikitla...Yang penting,kasikla laki aku tengok 'selera'la..Ahahahahahahah *adoooi setetment 18SX terkeluo puleks!* Dun deny.Kalolah bukan nak kasik laki@boifren@sesapa jala tengok,takkanla ngko sendirik tamo tengok MUKE ngko tu sendirik suweet,suweet,blusing2 (read:blushing) kiut miut gitu kankankankna???*BAIK ngko ngaku!*

::feberet eyesadow style - smokey bebeh!::

Pompuan and kecantikan memangLAH takleh dipisahkan,thats for sure!So kalo make-up ni membolehkan dan mendatangkan KECANTIKAN pada pompuan so meaning...SAMAlah,kan?MAKE-UP ngan POMPUAN pun takleh dipisahkan jugakla...KAN? 

SETUJU....?Ker still nak bangkang?

Ikut sukala.'Kain' masing2 apa..

Just nak share something yang pada aku,INTERESTING.

Aku jumpa benda tu kat sini.Artikel tu ada cerita pasal OUTCOME ke analysis dari kata satu study/poll yang derang buat kat 3000 pompuan yang mendapati...(bearLAH kejap ngan BAKU aku eh)

" That one in three women refuse to go out in public without wearing makeup.As in, they can't even run out to the grocery store or to pick up their kid without makeup on. Really? Nearly half of all women say they prefer to wear cosmetics than to show their bare face. But what's the most shocking of all: one in ten women polled said they would never ever let their partner see them without a full face of makeup on

Ayoyo..ada jugak ka spesies ini????

Adakah si desperate housewife EVA LONGORIA ini salah seorang dari spesies pompuan2 tadi????Adehh..Musykil kejap.Kalo ikut kata artikel ateh tadi,meaning ada sesetengah pompuan TIDO pun pakai make-up???*FHITAM*Apekah?????Kesianla itu kulit deyyy.LEMAS!

Oke sambung cerita artikel tu lagi...

"The Daily Mail reached out to Jackie Fletcher, a life coach from Hampshire, who said a woman's relationship with makeup is not just about her outward appearance, but also what's going on on the inside. "Make-up can help with a sense of self-respect," said Fletcher. "The reality is that we do judge people by how they look, and this can be especially important for women in business who often need to appear professional. But there is another side to it. If the reason for wearing make-up lies in the woman feeling worried that people will judge her for the way she looks rather than who she is, that’s a problem that needs to be addressed."

Setetment (yang aku buh in orange kaler) yang satu ni ada BENARnya.In a way,wearing make-up DO BOOST up your CONFIDENT!It DID worked for me though..Tak caya?Pila TRY buat make over kat mana2 konter beautician macam MAC ka,ESTEE LAUDER ka,LANCOME ka or suruhla sesapa yang pandai make-up tenyek muka korang sekali.Just try for ONCE.And see HOW and WHAT u feel???SURELY lah.Aku bole BET,rasa konpidon korang akan meruap2 kejap!Yerla.Kejap ja la..Selagi make-up ngko tak cairLAH nok!^_^Hiks!And true oso.Kalau ngko TERlalu depending kat make-up tu..ada2 tanda2 ngko ada siiiiiiiiiikit mase'lah.Whyla must ngko nak malu kalo tadek make-up or tak pakai make-upkan?Baby tu lahir2 tadek make-up seCALIT pun comeeeeeeeeey ja aku tengok!Muahaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahah.

Adalagi FAKTA GILA (pada akuLAH!) yang depa found out :
  • Over 33% felt their partner would not have been attracted to them if they hadn't been wearing makeup when they met
  • The average woman waits 2.5 months before going makeup-less in front of her partner 
  • 14% of women get out of bed early to put on makeup before their partner wakes up >>>>>>>>korang ni SAIKO eh?
  • Six in 10 women will not go to work without makeup
  • Nearly 25% believe they would be ignored for a promotion if they didn't wear makeup >>>>>>>>1 ayat ja aku nak kasik untuk pompuan2 yang menyumbang pada persen yang ni : B.O.N.G.O.K!Kalo harap muke je CANTIK tapi keje macam HAREM apekahhh??????
  • 37% think their managers would assume they didn’t take care of themselves

Oke,cukop ar.
Merepeks2 dah aku rasa polled neh punya fakta.Tataula boleh pakai ke tak?So last,as penutop entri yang berjela neh aku nak petik (suka ati ngkola nak petik ka,cabut ka.GASAK!) lagi kata2 dari sumber tadi...

"Makeup is pretty,but it's not always necessary!"


  1. berkobar kobar nampak:
    komen aku.. hehehhe kadang make up mmg main peranan agak penting.. sometimes leh ubah penampilan seseorang apapon aku jugak prefer natural 1.. tp wat to do kena jugak laaaa make up sbb kadang nak look diffrent ;)

  2. pompuan dengan makeup....syed rase bende ni macam aur dengn tebing...hehe

  3. ya ya yap!! betul..

    ape yang betul?

    mekap tu lah.. time keje pakai la sikit..kasik muka kaler2..

    dulu masa aku memuda.. mekap mmg mapan..ahah.. 2 kati bedak pon sanggup.. muka camtu jugak la nokkk!!

    skang tak lagi..skang kosentret nak bagi kulit bebas dari cela.. tengang2 sket.. mekap nipis2.. dah..

  4. makeup.....hhmmm...berhantu tu...
    muke kureng...terus wallaahhhhh....

  5. Mr.o ske prmpuan yg tak mekap.
    bru tawu wajah sbnr..=P

  6. saya tak make up..memang xreti..
    takat tepek foundation, pakai lipice dan tepek lipstik..tu je la :D


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