Sorry guys
Mind my title..
Probably sounds improper..this early.
Sounds da macam cursing.
I just cant help it.
Was so upset bila terdengar n tertengok berita yang baru lepas keluar kat 
Berita Terkini TV3 pukul 11 tadi.
Bodoh campur bangang yang tak bersempadan oke!

The news was about a mother and her daughter somewhere in Buenos Aires kott.
(not really paying attention to the location..sorry)
Location was at railway station.
This mother brought her daughter to crossed the railway using the illegaldangerous way!
There was a CCTV recording and boleh nampak LIVE apa yang jadik oke.
Bangang tak?
Demi nak mengelakkan dari membayar tiket train,this mother SANGGUP lintas landasan tu illegally and jeopardizedkan her own and most importantly ..her daughter's life!!!
Sangat bangang!
Full stop!
The BEST part from all of this..
Dia turunkan her doter first kat landasan tu and out of sudden,train sampai!
Guessed what the mother did?????
Dia siap naik balik,pergi ke tepi n left the doter n GOD knows what happened next???????
I was like damn shocked!
Keretapi tu dahla laju..abisla,budak tu kene langgar!!!!
And what the mother did???
Dahla bangang,pentingkan diri plak tuh!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant imagine!
Apela sangat rega tiket train tu compared ngan ur doters life???
Sanggup kau ilang anak instead of bayar tiket yang rega tak seberapa tu???
What kind of mother..are u,stupid???
Summore..kenapa tak engkau ja yang turun dulu kat railway tu!
Hati aku jadi panasssssssssss betulla!
As i am a mother as well!
Aku tataula aper pompuan tu pikir!
Dun EVER jeopardizekan ur love ones life with ur stupidity act bole tak????
Kalo teringin sangat pun nak MATI,pila MATI sengsorang!
Yang ngko drag anak ngko sama tu kenapa????
'Screwed' my morning sungguhla.. 

Lucky the doter selamat!For this time..la kot
That girl menyorok kat celah manetah kat belah bawah railway tu.
Nasebla anak bijak.Kalau tak....arwah dah!
But still, i could not agree at any of the act here.
Kau lebih risaukan duit kau dari life anak kau??
What kind of mother are u???
Aku pun tataula apa nak jadi ngan "dunia" kita sekarang!
Humanity da menipis..Nyawa macam dah tak ada nilai sometimes..

Ya allah..kau 'pelihara'lah kami,AMIN!


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