INcomplete me


Aku terjumpa balik tulisan aku yang satu ni.Yang aku tulis few years back di friendster's note.For those yang dah penah baca dulu,thanks cos sudi dengar 'rintih hati' aku.Sebak.Tiba2 rasa sedih yang amat.Pedih.Bila aku ingat balik bait2 was like flashback.Each word,each line means alot.A LOT.I was totally LOST at that point.Clueless.I need to let it all out but....Got nothing to turned to.No shoulder to cry on.M own my own.All by my self.ALONE.It was the loneliest moment ever in my entire life...Gosh,i dont ever want to go 'over there'.Ever.

"Luv in my 'book' means sacrifice…
Luv is about giving...sharing…
Luv is when you put other need ahead than yours…
Luv is when u want n u wish u could do anything..
N give everything just to pleased your beloved..
Just want to see their smile…
To see them happy...
Luv is when u feels something is missing...
If you didn’t hear their voice…
Wishing them beside u whenever, wherever u are away…
apart from each other...
Luv rili have so many names...
So many meanings…
But one thing for sure - luv does make the world a better place…"


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