Blackberry gonna be ban in Malaysia??

Hangat2,aku duk tengok berita kat Buletin Utama,TV3 tadi..then agak tekojutla dengar highlight depa that probabaly BB will be banned in Malaysia???Waaaa,berita banget hangat neh..!Sumer gara2 UEA(United Arab Emirates) and  Saudi Arabia yang dah kuarkan setetment kate, "sorry no BBM allowed here" (ala2 la eh) due to depa riso banyak norr, info ke"bocor"an dengan pengunaan blackberry...(apakah??Kalo tak guna BB still bleh per konpem ader leaking of info or data  transferred around the world..hmmm).Yang aku dapat tau depa nak banned the instant messaging services,but taktaula final or not .Yang peliknya,hanya Blackberry yang jadi mangsa??Adilkah??Aku bukanla penyokong BB,BB pun aku tarak but kengkawan aku ramaila yang duk ber"BBM" and aku pun aderla memasang cecita nak memiliki satu...Tapi da jadi cenggini,cemane ek??But this news lom finalized lagik tuk mesia(kalo ikut kate berita tadilaa)wakil SKMM(Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia)Datuk Seri Rais Yatim tadi ada habaq yang depa akan kuakan satu report penuh pasai issue neh..Kita tunggu sajala..But for sure sumer pemilik2 BB and of course RIM, Blackberry's owner kat lua sana tenga "panas ati"la..per kess plak nak ban kan??



  1. hey, i'm here for the first time. baru sampai rumah dari meeting and heard my fellow housemates said BB will be banned in Msia. so, i googled and saw ur link. btw, kalau sebab leakage of info, baik ban je sume phone 4G including Iphone, HTC n stuff. the very not agree!

  2. Kinda agree with you..
    But no worry dear its not final yet here.
    It will defenitely be debates later,if they DO want to proceed..i guess

  3. owh goshhhhhhhhhh!
    sungguh merepek la bg i...kan kan kan ;p
    i can see the rationale about it ;p
    byk lg masalah besar yg perlu di[ikirkan instead of banning bbm! ;p

  4. BB banned for its encrypted messaging.. RIM claimed to encrypt the message sent by BB device to protect the privacy which will eventually may risk the leak of gomen info to the outside world

  5. LadyVerde+Mr.Doc : Dats why..entahla,just wait n see

    Anonymous : I've heard that they having issues with the instant messaging services,but then m sure other smartphones oso having the similar services aite?Then gonna ban the rest as well?Hmmm..

  6. kalau benda tu banyak yang tak baik patut ban aja, kalau tak ada masalah ok aja

    UV Hampir 1,000

  7. weh... betul ke? nape aku lambat tau? huhuhu..bis tu...? ouch, saket ati gwe neh!

  8. Wei dee,da ber'janggut' entri aku tu baru ko nak pasan???Iskkkk
    Tak konfem lagila..bukan ban terus..certain application jek yg maybe disable.Kene ar tunggu berita terkini aku nanti eh!^_^

  9. aku abaikan selama nie bab2 nie.. aku syiok lg baca kesah si dak daniel aku okeh..aku nie dah laa malas baca suratkhabar + tgk berita..hukhuk


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