Apa makna "weekend" tuk korang?

Hujung minggu memangla masa yang ditunggu2 oleh aku semua oang..aku rasala.Tapi ader ker yang tak suke weekend?Hmmm..agak musykil+weirdla kalo ada yang tak suke...kan?Pada aku,weekend nehla masanya tuk aku spend lebey sket masa ngan "dak kacak" aku compared to  weekdays.In another word its da time tuk aku qada or replace balik masa yang aku da "rugi" for the last 5 days,Mon-Friday atas desakan keja.(amboii excuse..)Manetaknyer,kalo hari bekeje..sokmo la si danial tu jumpa muke aku lam sejam pagi aja then da lepas matahari tebenam barula nak nampak balik muke ibunye nih..sadis ek?Metropolitan life...i guess.And aku berani cakap almost all working mum macam aku will face the same thing..Perasaan bersalah yang teramat ngan anak toksah cakap..rasa macam i've done no justice for him*sigh* tak fair..Even after this 6 years of motherhood experiences(tetiba rasa cam da tua banget!),terasa sungguh "kekurangan",still banyak giler yang aku tak tau and yet still learning..its just a never ending process..and i assumed its a good thing,at least for me.

Since kecik lagi..aku memang treat danial macam adult(but depending on situationla weii,for god sake dia baru nam taun aperrr..)Its my way of "didik" my kid.And alhamdulillah,and i really thanked god for blessing me with such a great,bright and understanding son.I would not be standing here if not because of him..We been through alot.Seriously alot!And danial has been one of the "kind" kid to me.He is my heart,my soul,my spirit,my determination and MOST importantly,the REASON for me to continue striving whats best in life.Suprisingly,even when he is such a small kid(seriously small..belived me!) he can understand the "difficulties" that his ibu is facing as well as easily can adapt to the situation without any hesitation or problem.Syukur sangat being blessed with him.

Weekend memangla penuh jadual hari aku ngan "WE" time with si danial.He's like my best buddy,ala2 bodyguard akulah.Maner2 pergi,ape2 buat confirm berdua..(abeh kata ayahnya o/s..),waima pi buat threading pun aku angkut sama^_^.Tapi ada masa kengkadang terbabas gak.Blame it to all the "house chores",baju yang berlonggok,umah yang bersepah,memacamla...uwaaT_T.Kalo aku tenga stress,ke emo or tension,kengkadang ter"merapu",ter"bebel"  ngan si danial tu..da selalu sangat ter tak disengajakan.Ternganga2 aku tengok si danial nak paham apentah yang ibu dia "meraban"(naseeb kola danial...)

Dalam banyak2 bende we done together aku rasa..shopping groceries kat Juscola yang paling aku n danial enjoy MOST(ke...danial lagi suke men game kat arcade???).Si danial neh cukop suka pilih barang yang dia nak makan sendirik.Contoh macam calciyum ke,roti ke or even his koko krunch,he will go to the shelf by his own and choose which one that he prefer (cerewet cam ibu dia gak...ahahaha like mother like son??) .Dia akan pilih troli sendirik and siap bagitau "Danial nak tolak tau,ibu.."

Seriously,i could not ask more than this!Enuff said,nak back to "WE" time with danial now..chow!


  1. wahh dh besar yeh anak u....yup mmg kacak ikut ibu dia? ehehehe...i nya baby baru lahhh 1 yo plus..huhu. yes me too alweys waiting for weekend


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