Coming to 36 weeks,almost DONE!Nebessssss


"At the end of this week, you're going to reach an important pregnancy milestone - your baby will be considered full-term. The countdown to your sweet lil' womb hi-jacker's eviction is closing in!

That means you could give birth any day now. *Nebesssssssss*

In fetal developments: most of the bones (soft skull aside) in their little body are now completely hardened, providing a solid structure from which they can now make their grand debut into the world.In physical fitness news: your mini-champ's muscle tone is improving, and you’ll be impressed by their steel-like Ulnar grasp (a newborn reflex that occurs if you lay your finger in their palm).

As your baby gradually drops down in your pelvis in preparation for birth, your lungs and stomach will finally be able to stretch out a little so you'll breathe more easily. On the down side you may find you need to go to the loo more often as your baby squashes on your bladder.

Your baby's nearly done baking!"

~length18.6 in | 47 cm
~weight 5.8 lbs | 2.6 kg
Nearly baking uosl!
Macam baking cakela pulak kan???

Yang sebenonya,yang jujornya sekarang ni mak tenga nebes tahap dewa tapi stilll control macho *macho ker??* Semalam mak baru balik dari jumpa gynae mak kat Hospital Selayang.Dr.Philip tu bagitau baby dah "in position".Dah turun kat he said anytime now! *GULP* 

Alhamdulillah,condition baby seme ok.Estimated berat dia dalam 2.5kg macamtu..Doc cakap bila2 pun dia bole kua.So silela standby...Siap interbiu aku lagi balik raya mana,bape lama...aduuuui

To be frank,mak tatau nak expect apa except than nebes!Like seriously!

Da 8 tahun lebih kot last experienced menda2 neh!Itu pun by forced!Mane Danial da overdue still tamo kua...Harap2la si adeknya ni nak keluar naturally..Mak tawakal jer nyah!

Last 2 weeks,aku tak bape sehat.So pila jumpa Dr.Amarjit,gynae yang dekat klinik nearby Goombak tu...That time masa dia scan baby tengah breech.Bahasa simple dia..songsang!Kepala kat atas kaki kat bawah!Perrrggh punyala cuak aku time tu.Mau tak.Kalo breech,songsang cenggini sohih2la aku kena c-sec lagi!TAMAUUUUUUUUUUU

Ni semalam,alhamdulillah si kenit dengar cakap ibu n turned pun aku stilll cuak...Wikend ni kot raya..kan?Mak ghiso ar.Kan plan nak deliber kat Selayang Hospital..Udah tu tawon ni raya turn balik Rembau acaner kalo jadi pape????

Laki mak ngan konpidennyer....

"Ala..Hospital Seremban kan ado..."


"Columbia pun ade aper?"

TAMAUUUUUUUU!Apepun jadik dia nak b rempiiiit balik KL.Tak kira!

Tamau 05.




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