Ouh My Roses

Nak feeling2 sikit pagi senin ni bule dok?

Demam bunga tak habeih2 lagi hehe..Share ngan korang kira kasik korang info gak.

Ala...korang pun konfem tatau gak,kankankankan?

Meaning Of Roses – Number Stalks

1 stalk : Love at first sight
2 stalks : Mutual feelings
3 stalks : I Love You
7 stalks : I'm madly in love with you
9 stalks : We'll be together forever
10 stalks : You are perfect
11 stalks : You are my treasured one
12 stalks : Be mine!
13 stalks : We will be friends forever
15 stalks : I'm really sorry
20 stalks : I will be always faithful to you
21 stalks : I'm committed to you
36 stalks : Remembering our romantic times
40 stalks : My genuine love for you
99 stalks : I will love you on all the days of my life
100 stalks : I'm completely devoted to you
101 stalks : You are my one and only
108 stalks : Will you marry me?
999 stalks : My love will last till the end of time

Eh,haritu en.lola kasik berapa stalk eh?*garuk paler jap!*


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