Officially...BOSS - less!

Lepas lunch tadi,15.11.2013 officially aku boss-less.
Reason said was because bos aku da officially last day.
Thou retirement date dia is suppose due in a week time, orang banyak coti kott.
So kasik kontra, clearkan cuti n today was his last day..
Sepanjang 5 tahun aku keje ngan dia, belom penah sekalipun aku bergamba sama ngan boss or in the same pic with my boss..
Jadi gamba ini adelah EPIC!
Nasebla groupphoto..kalo tak, KONPOM aku da cabott!
* Dasarrrr *

Macam oang sasau aku seminggu lepas.
Arranging & 
looking for the suitable gift n so on for his farewell.
Jadilah ni ek....dari takda langsung??

Semua kat opis satu hari dukla menyakat aku..xsedeh ker?
Ade nangis2 tak?Nak tisu tak?...macam2la
But to be frank..aku TAK RASA APAAPEPUN.
Pecaya tak?
Sile pecaya.
Cos dats was the TRUTH.
Sumpah tak da perasaan apa2.
Bila pikir2 balik macam kelakar pun ade.
Gila ah aku ni
Kalo nak compare time aku dengan my-ex Chinese boss masa keje kat BHP dolu..
Aku sampai teresak2 kot masa nak bagitau dia bab aku nak resign...hihi

Aku da makin 'KENTAL' sekarang?? Haha
What ever it is..
Plan asal aku tuk MC on his last date idokla aku buat haha
Aku idokla no!
What ever it is..
Let bygone be bygone..
Aku O.K jer..korang o.k tak? *tetibe*


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