A year past...

Its been awhile..gak kan?
Lama aku tak hapdet belog neh...
Juggling 2 kids,a 8.30 - 5.30's work,and personal life plus passion,
all at the same and most importantly...
Seems like a lifetime challenge!
Difficult i must say...but achieveable!
Gotta carik ruang..and peluang..Find ways,make time..
Still struggling,juggling and learning..
I know i can pull this thru.
Yes.I will.

N talking bout' this make me notice...that

Its already a year since the 1st day of my 'hijrah'.
No regrets,no turning back thats for sure!:-)
 Wishing n hoping to be a better muslimah n person in n out..
Insha Allah!


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